ADB funded Water supply project in East Medinipur

L&T Construction, the construction arm of the company, has bagged an EPC order from the Public Health Engineering Directorate, West Bengal for water supply scheme to Nandakumar, Chandipur, Nandigram – I & II blocks in East Medinipur district. The project is funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). The scope includes design a construction of intake structure of capacity 112 MLD, pre-settling pond of capacity 164 ML, pre-settling reservoir of capacity 2.4 ML, water treatment plant of capacity 106 MLD, raw water a clear water transmission pipelines of 50 Km, clear water reservoir of capacity 14.85 ML, 3. pump houses and associated electro-mechanical a instrumentation works including operation & maintenance for two years. The project is expected to meet the water demands of 345 villages and 745 habitations in the district. This project is part of the West Bengal Drinking Water Sector Improvement scheme, which aims at the development of sustainable water supply schemes and comprehensive coverage through piped water supply in the State.

Location: East Medinipur District West Bengal

Estimated Value (Rs. Cr): NA

Sector: Water Sector

Project Stage: Contract Award