Jammu & Kashmir Power Transmission Corporation Limited (JKPTCL)
Over the last year, the power transmission and infrastructure in Jammu and Kashmir has undergone a major transition in terms of development. To enhance the system, the Jammu & Kashmir Power Transmission Corporation Limited (JKPTCL) and Kashmir Power Development Corporation Limited (KPDCL) have completed around 102 work projects worth roughly Rs.195 crore. This year saw the building of a 220kV D/C New Wanpoh-Mirbazar Transmission line for the evacuation of power from the 400/220 kV New Wanpoh Sub Station (PGCIL), as well as the augmentation of GSS Delina from 160 MVA to 320 MVA at a cost of INR 31 Cr in February.
*Image used if any in this post is for illustration only
Note: The above-mentioned project news is taken from ProjectX India | 1st January 2022 edition. Click here to buy this issue.