Agra Municipal Corporation (AMC)
The Agra Municipal Corporation (AMC) had signed an agreement with Prague based Spark Bresson Private Limited in December 2016 to develop a waste-to-energy facility at Agra. A modern processing plant will come up at Kuberpur landfill for the purpose. The company aims to generate 10 MW of electricity from around 500 tonnes of solid waste per day. As the company could not acquire a no objections certificate from the Taz Trapazium Zone Authority (TTZ). The generating company could not commission the power project by the scheduled commissioning date (SCOD) and has sought the extension of the SCOD to August 2021 from UPERC.
Location: Agra Uttar Pradesh
Estimated Value (Rs. Cr): NA
Sector: Waste-to-Energy
Project Stage: Project Update
Note: The above mentioned new project for India / tender information from India was covered in our ProjectX India | 1st February 2021 edition. To get full access with contact details, you can buy this issue by clicking here…
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