Power Grid Corporation has informed the BSE that the Committee of Directors on Investment on Projects’ of POWERGRID in its meeting held on 24th February, 2023 have accorded Investment approvals for the following: 1. Scheme to relieve high loading of WR-NR Inter Regional Corridor (400 kV Bhinmal-Zerda line) at an estimated cost of Rs. 200.58 crore scheduled to be commissioned by May, 2024; 2. Transmission system for Augmentation of ISTS for interconnection of HVPNL Transmission Schemes at an estimated cost of Rs. 107.77 crore scheduled to be commissioned progressively from February, 2024 to July, 2024; 3. Implementation of Western Region Expansion Scheme-XXV (WRES-XXV) at an estimated cost of Rs. 385.84 crore scheduled to be commissioned by November, 2023; and 4. Implementation of North Eastern Region Expansion Scheme-XX (NERES-XX) at an estimated cost of Rs, 109.38 crore scheduled to be commissioned by November, 2024.
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Note: Note: The above-mentioned news was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 1st March 2023 edition.. To get this issue or our latest issue with full contact details, you can buy this issue by clicking here…
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