Tata Memorial Hospital Initiates Construction of 17-Storey Facility to Enhance Bed Capacity and Services

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Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH) is in the process of constructing a new 17-storey facility at Mumbai’s Haffkine Compound, aimed at significantly expanding its bed capacity and improving services. With more than 600 beds, TMH currently serves approximately 1,000 patients daily in its outpatient clinics and witnesses about 70,000 new patient registrations annually. Additionally, the Tata Memorial Centre manages an advanced 60-acre proton beam therapy complex in Kharghar. The ongoing new building project within the Haffkine Complex, which began in May, is anticipated to reach completion within approximately 48 months. The project, with an investment of Rs 880 crore, encompasses two wings that encompass 208 rooms for medical professionals and 200 rooms for patients and their families. This construction is located on a 5-acre plot allocated by the state government through the Haffkine Institute.

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Note: Note: The above-mentioned news was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 1st September 2023 edition.. To get this issue or our latest issue with full contact details, you can buy this issue by clicking here…

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