Chandigarh Muncipal Corporation floats tender for biomining of legacy waste project

About 550 MT of trash are produced in Chandigarh every day, but the waste processing facility in Sector 25 is currently unable to handle the material. As a result, the Dadumajra dumping site receives the majority of the waste produced in the city. The essential project for biomining legacy garbage and recovering land at the current dumpsite has been put out to tender for the second time by the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation.





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Note: The above-mentioned news was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 15th July 2022 edition. Click here to buy this issue. Access Waste Processing news, projects, tenders, and contract award information in each fortnightly issue of ProjectX India PDF version. Go for an annual subscription and get access to 24 issues in a year.