Oil India completes beta demonstration of the hydrogen-powered bus built by Ohm Cleantech

Oil India Limited (OIL) has recently completed a beta demonstration of the hydrogen-powered bus built by Ohm Cleantech. The project was taken up under its startup program. The 9-meter bus built on a 60kW PEM fuel cell engine will power the electric drive. The Green Hydrogen plant in Jorhat will supply the hydrogen needed for the bus. This bus will be deployed for Green Kaziranga Tourism by the end of this year.





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Note: The above-mentioned news was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 1st July 2022 edition. Click here to buy this issue. Access Automobile news, projects, tenders, and contract award information in each fortnightly issue of ProjectX India PDF version. Go for an annual subscription and get access to 24 issues in a year.