Coal Handling Plant

Northern Coalfields Limited has called bids towards the Planning, Design, Engineering, Construction, Fabrication, Erection, Supply, Installation, Testing, Trial Run and Commissioning of Coal Handling Plant Wharf Wall Siding (2.0 Mtpa) for Amlohri OCP. The scope of work includes all Civil, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical Works and all other accessories and facilities required to make it complete in all respects on turnkey basis and Operation & Maintenance of plant for five years.

Tender Value in ₹ 1,39,08,73,000
Period Of Work(Days): 2373
Bid Submission End Date: 29-Aug-2020

Contact: Anurag Kumar, General Manager, Contract Management Cell,
P.O. Singrauli Colliery, District: Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh – 486889, Phone: 07805-266394, Fax: 266640, E-mail: [email protected], Website: