Mega water supply project in Ambabohana, Bhatti, and Sohela blocks
Bagged contract from Odisha Government for the execution of mega water supply project in three blocks namely Ambabohana, Bhatti, and Sohela
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Bagged contract from Odisha Government for the execution of mega water supply project in three blocks namely Ambabohana, Bhatti, and Sohela
ITD Cementation has bagged order for Construction of Berth and Yard facilities at Dhamra Port (2 packages) in Odisha.
Construction of Ladda Station Building, Laying of 200 mm dia DI Pipeline from Km: 344/25 to Km 343/8 in Rayagada - Ladda block section and t
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Rudramukhi Infracon Private Limited has recently filed an IEM application to undertake manufacturing of Iron Ore Beneficiation at Keonjhar,
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Bagged contract from Odisha Government for the execution of mega water supply project in four blocks namely Tangi, Bhubaneswar, Balipatna, a
Pre-engineered Turnkey Execution for Construction of 33 kV Double Circuit Overhead Transmission Line from 220/33 kV Garjanbahal Substation t
Construction of new 4 lane coastal road with paved shoulder from Puri to Kakatpur (km.47.050 to km.91.600) on hybrid annuity mode in the sta