All power producers are now welcome to establish ground-mounted solar power projects with capacities ranging from 1 MW to 5 MW, according to Himurja, the state government of Himachal Pradesh’s key agency for renewable energy initiatives. Earlier, only the natives Himachalis were allowed to set up these plants. For ground-mounted solar power projects with capacities ranging from 250 KW to 5 MW, Himurja has issued an invitation for applications. The interested parties will build these plants on privately owned or rented land. The applicants will be required to complete all of the work, including a feasibility study and investigation, from concept to commissioning.
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Note: Note: The above-mentioned news was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 1st March 2023 edition.. To get this issue or our latest issue with full contact details, you can buy this issue by clicking here…
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