Supply of 100 KVA Diesel Generator at various locations of RailTel

RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, Western Railway Microwave Compound, Senapati Bapat Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai–400013 invites Open E-Tender from established and reliable Manufacturers/Authorized Suppliers for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 100 KVA & 50 KVA Diesel Generator set at various locations on Western Region of Railtel, Mumbai. Approximate cost: Rs. 1,16,62,418/- Completion period is 90 days from date of LOA. Bids submission date is 03/07/2020. (Tender Reference no.: RailTel/Tender/OT/WR/HQ/2018-19/31/R dtd: 29.05.2020)

*Image is used for illustration only