Widening of selected stretches of NH -532 in the State of Tamil Nadu

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways through, the Superintending Engineer, the National Highways, Chennai invites e-tenders towards the widening from two lane with paved shoulder to Four Lane from Km 51/4 – 52/8, 55/9 – 56/8 & 57/0 – 57/8 including Construction of Centre Median at selected stretches of NH -532 in the State of Tamil Nadu on Engineering Procurement & Construction (EPC) Mode. The tender value is Rs. 9.5 crore. The completion is targeted in 12 months. Pre bid meeting will be held on 13.07.2020 at 11.30 am in the office of the Superintending Engineer (NH), No.206/N, Jawaharlal Nehru Salai, Jai Nagar, Arumbakkam, Chennai-600106. Bid submission deadline is 05/08/2020.

Contact: Government of Tamil Nadu, Office of the Superintending Engineer, National Highways, Chennai Circle, Chennai – 106. Phone: 044-23635123, Email: supernaways_chennai@yahoo.com

Note: Image is used for illustration only