Consultancy contract for detailed survey of plant drain system at RCF Trombay

Techno Land Engineers and Surveyors

Techno Land Engineers has bagged a contract from RCF towards the appointment of consultant for Carrying out Detailed survey of plant drain system for avoiding water logging situations in Monsoon period inside RCF Trombay Premises Chembur. The contract value is INR 449000.00.

Location: Mumbai Maharashtra

Estimated Value (Rs. Cr): 0.04

Sector: Consultancy

Project Stage: Contract Award

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Note: The above-mentioned project / tender / contract information was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 1st May 2022 edition. Each issue of ProjectX contains information on new projects in India, ongoing projects in India, contract awards, commissioned projects, and e-procurement opportunities. To get full access with contact details, you can buy this issue by clicking here…

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