Ecoren Energy to setup wind and solar power projects in Andhra Pradesh
Ecoren Energy plans to set up wind and solar power projects with 1000 MW capacity in four phases. The plant will come up in Anantapur, Sri Sathya Sai, Nandyala
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Ecoren Energy plans to set up wind and solar power projects with 1000 MW capacity in four phases. The plant will come up in Anantapur, Sri Sathya Sai, Nandyala
Amp Energy India will develop 200 MWp wind-solar hybrid project connected to the interstate transmission system (ISTS), on a build-own-operate basis. The compan
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Sprng Ojas has bagged a 160 MW wind-solar hybrid power project from Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited quoting a tariff of ?3.03/kWh. The power g
ReNew Solar Power has bagged a 300 MW wind-solar hybrid power project from Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited quoting a tariff of ?3.03/kWh. The