Grain Based Distillery at Khadki
Expansion of Grain Based Distillery Plant 45 KLPD to 90 KLPD at Gat No. 1190, Khadki, Tal Daund, Dist. Pune. The environmental clearance
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Expansion of Grain Based Distillery Plant 45 KLPD to 90 KLPD at Gat No. 1190, Khadki, Tal Daund, Dist. Pune. The environmental clearance
Vasundhara Green has recently filed an IEM application to undertake to distill, rectify, and blending of Spirits/Ethanol from Grains (Un De
Vasundhara Green is seeking environmental clearance for the proposed 60 KLPD Grain based Distillery plant (Ethanol) along with 2.5 MW Power Gene