Construction of admin block for Central Detective Training Institute
C/o Admin Block i/c E-Learning (G+5), Training Block & Auditorium (Double height), Officers Hostel i/c Shopping Centre (G+7), Type-III-10 Nos. (G+4), Type-IV/0
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
C/o Admin Block i/c E-Learning (G+5), Training Block & Auditorium (Double height), Officers Hostel i/c Shopping Centre (G+7), Type-III-10 Nos. (G+4), Type-IV/0
Construction of 6L Flyover at the Junction of Nilam Hotel (Ch261.500),Chalthan Chokdi (Ch263.400) and Service road at Palod (Ch235.600) for Rectification of Bla
Cyber Insurance Policy for IGL. The bid due date is 26-Jul-2023.
Engagement of Consultant for Green Building Certification of 45 Metro Stations and 04 Receiving Substation (RSS) coming up in DMRCs Phase-IV Network. The bid du
Setting up of Procurement Centre/Yarn Depot-cum-Warehouse at Santipur, Bhagati Das Road, Nadia. The bid due date is 01-Aug-2023. Tender ID: 2023_WBSHW_546575_1.
Developing, operating and maintaining of Wayside amenities on Indore Hyderabad corridor in Maharashtra section on lease basis. The bid due date is 31-Aug-2023.
Construction of Pile Cap for West Terminal Building in connection with Redevelopment of Ernakulam Junction Railway Station at Ernakulam, Kerala. The bid due dat
Construction of Bridges under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak including maintenance for Five Year after construction. The bid due date is 04-Aug-2023. Tender ID: 2023
Selection of Architect for providing consultancy services for the development of Paradise Hut at Kavaratti Island, UT of Lakshadweep. The bid due date is 04-Aug