O&M of Variable Message Displays in Sagar Smart City
Request for Proposal (RFP) for the selection of an agency for the operation and maintenance of Variable Messag
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Request for Proposal (RFP) for the selection of an agency for the operation and maintenance of Variable Messag
Operation and maintenance of 11 smart public toilets constructed by Sagar Smart City Limited at different public areas of Sagar Municipal Co
Request for proposal for selection of an agency for reclamation of land by scientifically processsing the existing waste at Amaoni Dumping site at Sagar through
Request for proposal for selection of an agency for reclamation of land by scientifically processing the existing waste at Amaoni dumping site at Sagar through
Selection of an agency for design, installation, erection and commissioning of sewerage waste water treatment plant of 4 mld capacity with c
Sagar Smart City is inviting per month rates for operation and maintenance of 11 smart public toilets constructed at different public areas of Sagar Municipal Corporation. The bid
E-tenders are invited for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Smart LED Flood lights in city stadium of Sagar including operation and maintenance for 2 years und
Selection of Contractor for the establishment of Construction And Demolition (C&D) Waste Processing Plant Of 50 Tpd Capacity with Operation and Maintenance for 10 Years In Sagar Ci
Construction of multi level parking with commercial complex at various location in Sagar under Smart City Mission. The completion period is of 18 months.The bid due date is 21/07/2021. (2021_UAD_147168_1).