Fire fighting system for Nesari Rural hospital
Providing Fire Alarm and Fire Fighting System for Rural Hospital Nesari, Tal. Gadhinglaj, District: Kolhapur. (Estimate No. 113358 of 2021-2022). The
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Providing Fire Alarm and Fire Fighting System for Rural Hospital Nesari, Tal. Gadhinglaj, District: Kolhapur. (Estimate No. 113358 of 2021-2022). The
Estimate No. OW/TESD/237/2021-22: Providing Fire Fighting, system and manually operated Fire Alarm arrangement for Regional Mental Hospital Thane.
Upgradation of fire alarm and fire protection system in Dean Block at MAMC, New Delhi. The bid due date is 11/11/2021. (2021_PWD_210463_1)