10 mobile refuelling units
Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) has decided to set up 10 mobile refuelling units (MRUs) in the next year to meet the growing demand for CNG. MRUs, used for refuelling, can…
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Mahanagar Gas Limited (MGL) has decided to set up 10 mobile refuelling units (MRUs) in the next year to meet the growing demand for CNG. MRUs, used for refuelling, can…
Exploration, development and production in five onshore PML blocks in AAFB, A&AA Basin, Cachar District and Karimganj District, Assam. The environment clearance process is on.
GSPC is seeking the development of 8 wells by setting up of 7 proposed surface facilities at Kheda and Anand of Gujarat. The environment clearance is sought.
IOCL is seeking environment clearance towards the proposal for replacement of both offshore pipelines from Narara bet to SPMs & interconnecting loop line between SPMs, Replacing & Relocating Pipe Line…
Alphageo (India) Limited has bagged a contract from ONGC Limited for 3D seismic data acquisition in OALP-IV block of Vindhyan Basin during the field season 2020-21.
Haldia Refinery of Indian Oil Corporation Limited is seeking environment clearance towards the Installation of 2nd Catalytic Iso-Dewaxing unit at East Medinipur, West Bengal.
Numaligarh Refinery has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with OIL India to augment OIL's existing pumping capacity through Numaligarh Siliguri Pipeline to increase petro product (Motor Spirit, High Speed…
Likhitha Infrastructure has secured a contract from IHB Private Limited (a JV Company of Indian Oil Corporation, Hindustan Petroleum and Bharat Petroleum) vide its letter dated 4th December, 2020 for…
Indomer Coastal has bagged a contract from IOCL for providing consultancy services for undertaking environment impact assessment (EIA), risk analysis, environment management plan (EMP) and coastal regulation zone (CRZ) studies…