Consultancy for review of hydro geology of Gadarwara STPP
Binneial Consultancy contract for review of hydro geology to assess the impact of NTPC Gadarwara Super Thermal Power Projectat surface water and ground water. The bid due date is 27/12/2021.…
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Binneial Consultancy contract for review of hydro geology to assess the impact of NTPC Gadarwara Super Thermal Power Projectat surface water and ground water. The bid due date is 27/12/2021.…
Balance work of water proofing treatment in track hopper and conveyor galleries of Stage I, II and III and condenser pit of stage III for NTPC Rihand. The bid due…
NTPC Coal mining awarded the Mine Developer-cum-Operator (MDO) contract to M/s Rithwik-AMR Consortium for Chatti-Bariatu Coal Mining Project. The peak rated capacity of this mine will be 7 Million Metric…
Procurement of 200 Mm Butter Fly Valve with Pneumatic Actuator and its spares for ash handling plant at NTPC Mouda/Solapur. The bid due date is 24/02/2021.
NTPC Limited plans to set up a 250 kW rooftop solar PV power plant at its Eastern Region HQ complex in Patna, Bihar. The bids are currently invited in this…
Contract Proposal for Overhauling Of Boiler Pressure Parts of 2 Units of Stage-I 3x 660MW Supercritical Boiler at NTPC Sipat. The bid submission deadline is 13/01/2021.(Ref: 2020_NTPC_45855_1)