100 KLD Grain Based Ethanol plant at Patashi
The company is seeking environmental clearance for the proposed 100 KLD Grain Based Ethanol plant along with 2.7 MW Co-generation Power Plant at Kh. No 98, Village-Patashi, Tehsil-
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
The company is seeking environmental clearance for the proposed 100 KLD Grain Based Ethanol plant along with 2.7 MW Co-generation Power Plant at Kh. No 98, Village-Patashi, Tehsil-
Triveni Renewables has filed an IEM application in December 2021 for the manufacture of Solar Glass with 240.00 MTS
Shree Cement has filed an IEM application in December 2021 for settng up 11000.00 kilowatt capacity solar power plant at Seraikela Kharswan, Jharkhand.
The environmental clearance is sought for the proposed expansion of existing Hospital complex project and a parking block by M/s Ananthapuri Hospitals & Research Institute.
Greenfield Project of 200 KLD Grain based Ethanol Plant along with 4.0 MW Co-generation Power Plant at Industrial Growth Centre, Village-Monrai, PO & PS-Matia, District: Goalpara,
Avaada Inclean Private Limited has filed an IEM application in December 2021 to setup 300 MWAC capacity solar power plant in Kutch, Gujarat.
GAIL (India) Limited is seeking environmental clearance for production operations in the Block CB-ONN-2010/11, in an area of 21.10 sq.km at Anand district, Gujarat.
The company is seeking environmental clearance for Grain Based 75 KLD Distillery Along With Co generation Power Plant of 1.8 MW, located at Mandideep Industrial Area, Goharganj Teh
Deccan Cements is seeking the expansion of Cement Plant through increase in clinker production capacity from 1.7 to 3.2 MTPA, cement production from 1.8 to 4.0 MTPA (by installatio