60MT Capacity Additional gantry crane at Ukai dam
Providing 60MT Capacity Additional gantry crane (moving) on existing rail track of Main spillway, Replacement of 20MT Capacity gantry crane with replacement of existing rail track of HR spillway and…
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Providing 60MT Capacity Additional gantry crane (moving) on existing rail track of Main spillway, Replacement of 20MT Capacity gantry crane with replacement of existing rail track of HR spillway and…
Consultancy work for Topographical Survey,Geo-investigation and collecting required data for Constructing Checkdams/Under Ground Checkdams across Hathamati River near Village (Between PAL to Bhiloda) (B) Itavadi, Chithoda, Dantod, Samaiya, Amadara &…