Development of 752.72 Ha Model Economic Township
The project, previously granted Environmental Clearance (EC) for 752.72 hectares under letter no. 21-39/2011-IA-III on 16.08.2012, involves an industrial townsh
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
The project, previously granted Environmental Clearance (EC) for 752.72 hectares under letter no. 21-39/2011-IA-III on 16.08.2012, involves an industrial townsh
Model Economic Township Limited is proposing the expansion of a residential township development project located in the villages of Yakubpur, Fatehpur, Dadri To
Expansion of Residential Township Development project at Village Yakubpur, Fatehpur, Dadri Toe and Sondhi Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana.
Environment clearance is sought for Township Development Project which is coming up on 1197 acres of land at village Banmola, Ladpur, Munimpur, Nimana, Pelpa an