132 kV Single Circuit Line from Mynkre Substation
Construction of 132 kV Single Circuit Line from 132 kV Mynkre Substation to Green Valliey Industry Limited (GVIL) Substation. The bid due date is 26/07/2021. (Tender ID: 2021_MeECL_476_1).
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Construction of 132 kV Single Circuit Line from 132 kV Mynkre Substation to Green Valliey Industry Limited (GVIL) Substation. The bid due date is 26/07/2021. (Tender ID: 2021_MeECL_476_1).
Selection of Solar Park Developer for setting up of a 2x10 MW Grid Connected SPV Project under Global Competitive Bidding at Solar park at Thamar and Suchen, Meghalaya. Bids were…