Supply order for optical fibre cables from a telecom operator
Domestic manufacturer of telecom equipment HFCL and its subsidiary has bagged a contract from a major Indian telecom operator for the supply
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Domestic manufacturer of telecom equipment HFCL and its subsidiary has bagged a contract from a major Indian telecom operator for the supply
Selection of Partner For Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Components for ICT Enabled Classrooms for the Department of
Domestic telecom gear maker has recently bagged an order from RailTel Corporation, for setting up a data communication network for the defence forces. The order is to be executed w
Railtel Corporation has received a work order from M/s. Sagar Cable Network towards providing of Multicast drop and carry with 1.5G capacity at 66 locations for a period of 5…
Railtel Corporation has received a work order from M/s. Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited towards providing of MPLS-VPN Connectivity for implementation of ERP and TPASS services for HD…
Raitel has bagged a work order from Indian Air Force (AFNET) towards providing of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for the AFNET Equipment and Associated Items for the period of 2…
RailTel Corporation of India has recently bagged an order from Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL). The order is towards the implementation of MPLS-VPN services along with miscellaneous services at 340…
RailTel Corporation bags an order from Controller General of Defence Accounts for setting up a network operation centre.
RailTel Corporation has received order from Axom Sabra Siksha Abhiyan Mission for deployment of artificial intelligence based identification system for capturing attendance and management of SDMIS.