Solar PV Rooftop Power Plants for Police Buildings in Haryana
A tender has been issued for the supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of Solar Photovoltaic Grid Connected Rooftop Power Plants at various buildings
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
A tender has been issued for the supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of Solar Photovoltaic Grid Connected Rooftop Power Plants at various buildings
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of CCTV Cameras, Video Conferencing System, IPPBX system with allied items in various Security wards in Distt. J
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Solar Photovoltaic Grid connected rooftop power plant at various buildings in Police lines and Police Station
Supply, installation, testing, and commissioning of Solar Photovoltaic Grid connected rooftop power plants in Police Stations an various building in Police Line
Running operation and comprehensive maintenance of 1 no. of 1 MLD (MBBR technology based) Sewage Treatment Plant in Jail Bhondsi, District: Gurugram. The bid du
Balance work for the construction of STP at the risk and cost of M/s SSA Enterprises in Police Lines, Narnaul, District: Mahendergarh. The bid due date is 30-No
Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant of 0.50 MLD for Non Residential Buildings at IRB Camps at Village Tundlaka, Distt. Nuh. The bid due date is 30-Nov-2023.
Construction of ETP based on SBR Technology i.e. capacity calculation to meet NGT Guidelines for STP of 1.50 MLD in Shaheed Hasan Khan Mewati Govt.Medical Colle
Providing Computers and CCTV Cameras with allied items in Govt. College Chhachhrouli distt Yamunanagar. The bid due date is 12-Sep-2023. Tender ID: 2023_HBC_30