M/o of mechanized coal handling plant at HDC
E-Tender for Maintenance of Mechanized Coal Handling Plant at Haldia Dock Complex. The bid due date is 07/06/2021. (Ref: SDM(P&E)/T/02/2021-2022).
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
E-Tender for Maintenance of Mechanized Coal Handling Plant at Haldia Dock Complex. The bid due date is 07/06/2021. (Ref: SDM(P&E)/T/02/2021-2022).
Expression of Interest (EOI) is invited in connection with proposal for long term lease of 100+ acre land at Haldia Dock Complex for setting up of industry through competitive bidding…
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 11kV/3.3kV/415V Panel along with allied works for augmentation of GC Berth Sub-station including construction of sub-station building at GC Berth area of Haldia Dock…
Invitation of RFP related to Mechanization of berth no. 2 (erstwhile Berth No 3) on Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Transfer (DBFOT) basis at HDC. The qualified applicants include Adani Ports…