93 Qty. Desktop Computers for Office of Charity Commissioner, Gujarat
Bid for purchase of 93 Qty. Desktop Computers for Office of Charity Commissioner, Gujarat State, Ahmedabad. The bid due date is 30/10/2023. (Bid Number: GEM/202
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Bid for purchase of 93 Qty. Desktop Computers for Office of Charity Commissioner, Gujarat State, Ahmedabad. The bid due date is 30/10/2023. (Bid Number: GEM/202
Tender for Selection of Agency for Design, Development, Operation and Maintenance of Block Chain Implementation for the office of the Inspector General of Regis
Request for proposal for Selection of Consultants from a reputed Consultancy Firm for Gujarat Informatics Limited. The contract period is 36 months. (Bid Number
Bid for Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Selection of a System Integrator for implementation (Design, Build, Commission and O&M) of Greenfield State Data Cent