56,000 TPA Coal Tar Distillation Plant in Bamunara
Environmental clearance is sought to setup 56,000 TPA Greenfield Coal Tar Distillation Plant at Bamunara village for production of 30,800 TPA of Coal Tar Pitch;
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
Environmental clearance is sought to setup 56,000 TPA Greenfield Coal Tar Distillation Plant at Bamunara village for production of 30,800 TPA of Coal Tar Pitch;
The company proposes to setup 56,000 TPA Greenfield Coal Tar Distillation Plant at Bamunara village for production of 30,800 TPA of Coal Tar Pitch; 22,120 TPA o
Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed 56,000 TPA Greenfield Coal Tar Distillation Plant for production of 30,800 TPA of Coal Tar Pitch; 22,120 TPA of Cre
Epsilon is seeking amendment in environment clearance for its proposal to undertake expansion of Coal Tar Distillation Plant from 300000 to 500000 TPA and setting up of Carbon Black plant…