2500 MW ISTS-Connected Solar PV Projects at Koppal
RfS for setting up of 2500 MW ISTS-Connected Solar PV Projects at UMREPP in Koppal, Karnataka (ISTS-X). The bid submission deadline is 27/11/2020. (Ref: 2020_SECI_530461_1)
Construction Projects - Infrastructure Projects - Industrial Projects
RfS for setting up of 2500 MW ISTS-Connected Solar PV Projects at UMREPP in Koppal, Karnataka (ISTS-X). The bid submission deadline is 27/11/2020. (Ref: 2020_SECI_530461_1)
NHAI has invited bids towards the 4-Laning of Pangare to Waranga Phata section from km 134.500 to km 174.645 (Design Chainage) of NH-161 including Bypasses at Kalamnuri and Akhada Balapur…
E-tenders are invited towards providing electrical facilities for Plant Growth Chambers in NIPGR Campus, New Delhi. Tender value is INR 2,40,000. The completion is targeted in 30 days. The bid…
MoRTH plans to undertake the Construction of ROB and its approaches in lieu of Level Crossing No. 21/SPL/E at km 338.600 of NH-60 in the state of West Bengal. Job…
Construction of 6 Lane access controlled Greenfield highway from km 67.000 to km 99.000 of Rajasthan Gujarat Border to Santalpur section of NH 754K as a part of Amritsar Jamnagar…
E-tenders are invited towards the supply, installation integration with existing system and commissioning of IP based CCTV Camera System and its accessories at Dhauliganga Power Station. Tender Value in INR…
Construction of 4 lane Access Controlled New Greenfield Highway Section of NH-365BG Khammam-Devarapalle of length 42.119 km Design Ch. 63.117 to 105.236 under Inter Corridor Route under BMP on HAM…
MCL has called bids towards the dismantling and re-erection of LT Overhead Line from Railway overbridge to Vikasdwar, Muchhbahal chowk at Lakhanpur Area, MCL. Tender value is INR 6,16,631/-.Bid Submission…
BRO has invited bids towards the Construction and Up gradation of existing road to 2-lane NHDL specification from existing chainage km 0.0 to Km 18.530 (Design chainage km 0.0 to…