Bhopal metro rail project

Bhopal Metro project is based on Rapid Transit Light Metro (RTLM) system.The total length of Bhopal Metro is 35 Km which consist of 3 corridors comprising M.P.Nagar to Mandideep Suruchi Nagar to BHEL (9km, 9 stations) Bairagarh to Mandideep.The route of these projects will be on road, on bridges, and underground also. Dilip Buildcon Ltd is implementing the Phase-I of the project valued at Rs 247.06 crore. This includes design and construction of elevated viaduct between AIIMS and Subhash Nagar (excluding stations) which includes entry and exit to the depot for Bhopal Metro Rail project, phase-l. The completion period for the project is 27 months.

Location: Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

Estimated Value (Rs. Cr): 8000

Sector: Metro Rail

Project Stage: Under Implementation