ONGC signs six contracts for Discovered Small Fields in Offshore during DSF-III bid round

On September 9, 2022, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) signed six contracts for Discovered Small Fields (DSF) in the offshore under DSF-III bid round, three of which were for fields in the Arabian Sea and three of which were for fields in the Bay of Bengal. An investment of USD 1894.5 million is proposed for development in the 6 DSF-III blocks allocated to ONGC (2 through a JV with IOC). Additionally, the company has also signed two contracts for fields in Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh under the Special CBM Bid Round 2021. The overall investment commitment for the 2 CBM blocks granted to ONGC is US$ 5.94 million.





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Note: The above-mentioned news was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 15th September 2022 edition. Click here to buy this issue. Access Oil and Gas news, projects, tenders, and contract award information in each fortnightly issue of ProjectX India PDF version. Go for an annual subscription and get access to 24 issues in a year.