NLC India floats bid for 500 MW grid connected solar project

For the installation and commissioning of 500 MW (AC) of grid-connected solar projects anywhere in India, the state-owned NLC India Limited has issued an invitation for bids. On August 24, the bids will be closed. The companies can bids for any capacity in increments of 100 MW, ranging from a minimum of 100 MW to 500 MW. Government land must be obtained, connectivity and long-term access must be approved, and the design, engineering, and commissioning of a solar project with a minimum capacity of 100 MW must be completed. Along with operating and maintenance support for three years, it will also comprise related power evacuation systems up to the delivery point at an ISTS/central transmission utility substation.





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Note: The above-mentioned news was first published by us in our ProjectX India | 1st August 2022 edition. Click here to buy this issue. Access Solar news, projects, tenders, and contract award information in each fortnightly issue of ProjectX India PDF version. Go for an annual subscription and get access to 24 issues in a year.