Kerala State Electricity Board Limited
KSEBL is implementing TransGrid 2.0 Project and had invited bids in June 2020 for the Sabari Substation Package. The project works include setting up 1) 220 kV GIS Substation and associated works at Pathanamthitta. 2) 220 kV GlS Substation and associated works at Kakkad. KIIFB is funding both the projects.
Location: PathanamthittaKerala
Estimated Cost (Rs Crore): 72.08
Sector: Power
Project Stage: Tendering
Contact Details: Radhakrishnan V, Chief Engineer, TransGrid, Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Kallipadam P.O, Shoranur – 679122, Kerala. Phone: 0466-2220249, Mobile: 9446008207, Email:
*The above project / tender information had appeared in our 15th June 2020 edition of ProjectX India PDF edition. Click here to Subscribe ProjectX India to get such information in time every fortnight.
*Image is used for illustration only
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