Water Supply Projects

The Public Health Division, Government of Bihar plans to undertake the design, construction, supplying, testing, and commissioning of balance work of Simri Multi-Village Pipe water supply scheme Capacity 17.66 MLD for Arsenic affected villages of Simri and Buxar Blocks in District of Buxar. The works include construction of floating jetty M.S. Barge structure and raw water pumping station, Water Treatment Plant, Master ESR, Intermediate ESR, Zonal ESR, Main Distribution line with D.I. and H.D.P.E. Pipe, House service connection to each household, Underground Water Reservoir, Solar Lighting System, SCADA, Boundary Wall, Approach Road, Electrical/Mechanical Works, Highway/ Railway/ Canal Crossing and other allied works, etc.

Location: Buxar District
Estimated Cost (Rs Crore): NA
Sector: Water Sector
Project Stage:  Tendering

Contact: Parmanand Prasad, Executive Engineer, Public Health Division, Buxar, Bihar. Phone: 8544428573, 9431225160

*Image is used for illustration only

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