Expressway projects covered in ProjectX India

The Purvanchal Expressway is an under construction 6-lane access controlled expressway in India’s Uttar Pradesh state. The expressway will connect Ghazipur town with the state capital, Lucknow. Total length of a fully controlled 6 lane expressway is 340.824 KM. The project cost is estimated to be Rs. 22,494.66 crore (Including cost of land). The project has been divided into 8 packages for implementation. The Contracts have been constituted with the developers of all packages with effect from October, 2018. Project has to be completed in 36 months and the deadline is October, 2021. The Construction work is in progress. The physical progress as reported by UPEIDA in December, 2019 was 28.21 per cent. The work has resumed in April 2020.

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