ProjectX India – 15th May 2020 issue is released. The issue covers new projects information from India which are in conceptual / planning, under implementation, tendering, contract award, and completion stages. The current issue covers 137 projects from 59 sectors of the Indian economy. The aim of this Projects E-Book is to track and provide information on upcoming projects, track progress of the ongoing projects, contracts awarded recently, and projects completed / commissioned. In order to facilitate b2b exchange, these project leads powered by the contact information can help the reader to explore further business opportunities at various levels.
Each issue of ProjectX India provides you pre-information about the upcoming projects, contracting and sub-contracting opportunites. You can track projects from your industry and even your competitors when you subscribe ProjectX India. In the current scenario, where businesses are struggling to remain afloat and facing challenges on many fronts at a time. ProjectX India helps your business to identify opportunities before they come to the fore.
This e-publication is just a small attempt to help the nation builders in their mission. If you keep reading, referring, and using the project information from this e-publication and the upcoming editions, you will be able to identify the right business opportunity for you.
“When you can’t see any opportunity in an adverse environment, do
not wait for it but take the initiative to create one.”
We sincerely hope, you will find information provided in ProjectX India relevant for your business and help you to win more contracts and explore business opportunities.
Thank You and Happy Reading.
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